Angel LM

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  • in reply to: Matlab software used for inverse kinematics solver #721
    Angel LM

      Hi Bassam!
      I thought about that when I was designing the robot, but to keep the whole project fully Open Source, even the tools to design and solve had to be Open Source too. That’s why I solved it “manually” hahaha
      Anyway, if you get some results do not hesitate to share them with us! 🙂

      in reply to: Issue moving the Thor Robotic Arm #733
      Angel LM

        Hi Brett,
        First of all sorry for the late reply!
        It sounds to me like that the current received by the steppers is not enough to move them and/or the acceleration of the steppers is too high. Try to give more current to the steppers (if you are using A4988 drivers there is a small potentiometer to tune the output current). If you have tunned the speed/acceleration parameters try to get them back to the default ones.Also check that the 12V power source has at least 5A-7A of current, otherwise the motors may not receive enough current to move the robot.
        Hope it helps!Angel LM

        in reply to: Cableado THOR y home de ejes. #711
        Angel LM

          Revisando cosas que tenía pendientes, he visto que el archivo fuente de la pieza Art23Optodisk se subió en 2017 jajajaja
          Por si aún lo necesitas y no lo has encontrado, está aquí.
          ¡Un saludo!

          in reply to: A connection problem between Art3 and Art4. #767
          Angel LM

            Hi D.B Ko!
            Thanks for sharing with us photos of your Thor! It looks impressive! 🙂
            Regarding your questions:
            Art3&Art4 Union: There are a piece called Art4BearingRing and other one called Art4TransmissionColumn. You will need to insert 30 small balls (Diameter 6mm) between this pieces trough the small hole placed in one side of the Art4BearingRing piece. I have used 6mm airsoft balls and it works very well. I know that is not the same version (is the one that is not already tested) but I did an animation of the assembly that you can check here. As almost all pieces are very similar I think it would help you in the assembly.
            PCB Power supply: 12V/3A will not be enough to bring power to the 7 steppers of the robot. I’m currently using a power supply of 12V/7A and it seems to be enough.

            Hope it helps!

            in reply to: Bearing between Art4BearingRing and Art4TransmissionColumn #763
            Angel LM

              Hello Matthieu!
              First of all, thanks for your words about this project! 🙂
              Answering your question: Yes, the upper part is only connected with the bottom one using the 3D printed bearing. To be honest, when I designed it I was a little bit worried about the maximum load this 3d printed bearing can hold, but as I did not find a cheap commercial solution I tried and it worked. To be honest, I did not make a proper study about the forces acting on the bearing or a simulation to see the limits of this configuration.
              Hope it helps!

              in reply to: Developer Branch or Design Update Branch #769
              Angel LM

                Hi John!
                The Developer branch is the safest one, it has the tested design and it works!The other branch, “Design Update” was created by me time ago and contains an updated design that I didn’t test yet. If someday I’m able to test it and it works, I’ll merge it to the Developer branch.
                So, you are in the right way!
                The extra motor you noticed is used in the 2nd articulation, that uses the force of 2 geared motors to move.
                Hope to see photos of your Thor soon! 🙂

                in reply to: Thor beginner question and connection #759
                Angel LM

                  Hi Tim!
                  First of all sorry for the late reply, I didn’t receive the notification of this group…
                  Your project sounds cool and I think that it could be achievable, but be careful about times! Building a Thor takes time: gather all the components, build it and test it can take months… If it is not a problem for you, go ahead!
                  Thor uses GCodes sended by serial to move, so technically your bluetooth implementation is possible. I think that the only extra thing that you’ll need is a bluetooth adaptor for the Arduino Mega or another board with bluetooth connection that can send the commands via serial usb to the Arduino Mega (Something like an Arduino Uno with a bluetooth adaptor connected by serial to the Arduino Mega).
                  The comunication for the movement is something between real time and sequence. In the moment you send a movement command the robot will start moving to the target position, but if the robot is moving when you send a movement command it won’t execute that command until it finishes the previous one.
                  Hope it helps!Angel LM ;

                  in reply to: Cableado THOR y home de ejes. #709
                  Angel LM

                    Hola Shelmak!
                    Antes de nada, perdón por la tardanza en contestar, no me han llegado las notificaciones de este grupo…
                    Voy contestando tus preguntas por partes!
                    Lo de los cables, yo he conseguido pasarlos a través del eje sin problema… Seguramente estén liados y con cada vuelta que da se lian más, peor no encontré una buena opción para esto. Lo de las interferencias la verdad es que no lo tuve en cuenta y me preocupó al principio, pero después de probarlo y ver que todo iba bien supuse que no era un tema tan crítico.
                    No sabía que la fuente de la pieza Art23Optodisk no estaba subida al github! La subo en cuanto pueda!
                    Por último, el eje 6 es el único que no hace homming, no se orienta. Traté de pensar muchas maneras para controlar la posición y lograr establecer un inicio, pero no encontré ninguna solución. ¡Cualquier idea es bienvenida!
                    Por lo que veo tenéis un proyecto muy interesante entre manos! A ver si nos dejais echarle un ojo a una fotillo o video pronto 😉
                    Un saludo,
                    Angel LM

                    in reply to: ARCHIVOS DE PROGAMACIÓN #853
                    Angel LM

                      Hola Leonardo, los archivos del firmware puedes encontrarlos en
                      Y las instrucciones para compilarlo y flashearlo en

                      Hi Leonardo, you can find the firmware files here:
                      And here you will find the instructions to compile and flash it:

                      Hope it helps!
                      Angel L.M.

                      in reply to: Detailed Tutorial #855
                      Angel LM

                        Hello Rhett!
                        Welcome to Thor’s community!
                        In this right moment there is not a detailed tutorial to follow. There is a video that shows how to assembly it, but it’s not too detailed. You can also see the Assembly animation step by step and being able to rotate and zoom using FreeCAD (I wrote the instructions to do it here:
                        Hope it helps!

                        in reply to: [Introduccion] Bearings 625ZZ and motor axis 3 #857
                        Angel LM

                          Hi Jorge!

                          You bought the right stepper 🙂

                          As you say, its shaft has a diameter of 6mm. That shaft also acts as the rotation axis of the 2nd articulation.

                          So, the GT2 pulley that is is inserted in the shaft of that stepper motor has to be modified a little bit. You will have to expand the half of the hole of the pulley from 5mm to 6mm of diameter, in order to insert the shaft of the stepper in one side and a 5mm smooth rod in the other side of the pulley.

                          Here you have an image that shows what I have explained:

                          Also, you can check the Assembly FreeCAD file to see it more clear.

                          Hope it helps!

                          Angel LM

                          in reply to: Robot Gripper. #865
                          Angel LM

                            I created this wiki page inside the Thor’s wiki to collect the grippers!

                            Feel free to add your creations or findings!

                            Best regards,
                            Angel LM

                            in reply to: Endstops for art56 #871
                            Angel LM

                              Hello Rafael,

                              As you have seen, the Art56 has not a homing sensor. When I designed the robot I didn’t find the way to locate a sensor there… There were physical limitations that made it (at least in my case) imposible to locate.
                              If you find the way to place a sensor there it would be a nice upgrade!

                              Best regards,
                              Angel LM

                              in reply to: Problems with DIY bearing #897
                              Angel LM

                                Hello Rafael,

                                In Art4TransmissionColumn FreeCAD file you have to go to the Sketch046 and change the radius (default is 3,2mm) with the radius value of your choice. To do it just double click on the Sketch046 to change to the Part Design workbench to be able to edit the dimensions. Double click on the radius dimension and change it.

                                The same goes for the Art4BearingRing FreeCAD file, but in this case the Sketch047 is the one that you will have to modify.

                                Hope it helps!
                                Angel LM

                                in reply to: Another Thor is born #911
                                Angel LM

                                  Hello Анастасия,

                                  I’m not sure if you are spamming or if you don’t understand how a google groups community works.

                                  In case that you don’t know how it works, every message that you reply in a public way is published in the thread and it’s visible for everyone (like a forum). It is also sended by email to everyone that are suscribed to the community. It means that if you reply every thread with the same question, you will be spamming every user suscribed to this forum, and I will not allow it.
                                  If you want to ask something particular, show your project or share info with the community, please open your own thread instead of replying on others threads.

                                  I guess that you have not read the [Rules & Guidelines] Read before posting thread. Please do. Spamming is not allowed and if I see someone doing it I will ban its user immediately.

                                  I hope you understand it.
                                  Angel LM

                                Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 287 total)