Worldwide 33 Thors Built 17 Countries 7 Paper citations WP Google Maps Have you built your own Thor? Post a message in the Thor Builders forum section to include you on the map! Academic presence “Programming and Commissioning of a Multiple System of 6-axis Anthropomorphic Robots“, Ginés López Cánovas, 2023 “A novel optimization robust design of artificial neural networks to solve the inverse kinematics of a manipulator of 6 DOF”, Teodoro Ibarra-Pérez, M. R. Martinez-Blanco, Fernando Olivera Domingo, J. Ortiz-Rodriguez, Javier Escribano, 2021 Diseño de entorno robótico como herramienta para el desarrollo de arquitecturas cognitivas”, Emanuel Fallas Hernández, 2021 “A study on manufacturing facility safety system using multimedia tools for cyber physical systems” , Dongbeom Ko,Seunghwa Lee & Jeongmin Park, 2020 “Metaespacios: Recodificación De Espacios Rurales En Riesgo De Despoblación.”, Fernando Asensio Muñoz, 2020 “Implementation and Validation of Thor 3D Printed Open Source Robotic Arm”, J. Costa, T. Machado, and M. Carneiro, 2020 “Open-Ended Learning of Grasp Strategies using Intrinsically Motivated Self-Supervision”, Quentin Delfosse, Svenja Stark, Daniel Tanneberg, Vieri Giuliano Santucci, Jan Peters, 2019 “Desenvolvimento De Manipulador Robótico Didático Open Source Fabricado Por Manufatura Aditiva”, Henrique Ghizoni, 2018 If you know of any other papers featuring Thor, let us know in the forum to link them in this page!