Slicing issues on basetop

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  • #615

    Hi It looks alike, i had the same prob like ;Olaf Baeyens.The basetop inner diameter is like 1.5 mm ;to small. ;In the STL file it looks alike everything is okay.
    Has somebody a workaround for that accept grinding this to propper measure.


    Hmm looks alike i should calibrate y and x on my printer.All diameters what i have printed yet are almost the same size to small.The outer diameter is also missing something like 1 mm.And the 0.5 could be something like overextruding. ;
    So i would recomment to all other users to fine calibrate the printer bevor start printing. ;Otherwise the larger holes like the 110mm bearing in bastop are out of ;tollerance and the bearing ist not mountable without rework.
    Cause i am in the middle of printing base and art2 i will test this later.Otherwise all my parts are not be alligned at the outer shell. ;
    CU ;Oliver

    Angel LM

      Thanks for your feedback!

      I’m going to place it as a new question answered at FAQ 😉

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