Assembly Guide

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  • #2223

      Hi! My group is building Thor to incorporate it into our capstone project at our college. Apart of our criteria is to create an assembly guide for our project. I was wondering if it would be okay to use screen captures of your interactive instruction manual to give clear visuals on how the arm should be assembled. We will use all our own wording and of course we will properly credit the pictures used from the interactive manual. We just wanted a clean look to our guide and we just wanted your permission before we do, If not it’s all good we can figure something else out.

      Angel LM


        I am so happy that you are interested in this project!
        Of course you can use all the resources available on Thor! You can certainly use screenshots from the interactive manual 🙂

        The great thing about Open Source projects is precisely that we can develop a project together, supporting each other and sharing the progress!
        That said, if when you create that assembly guide you can share it with this community, I’m sure it will be useful to someone 😀

        Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

        Best regards,

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