Reply To: Another Thor is born

Angel LM

    Hello Анастасия,

    I’m not sure if you are spamming or if you don’t understand how a google groups community works.

    In case that you don’t know how it works, every message that you reply in a public way is published in the thread and it’s visible for everyone (like a forum). It is also sended by email to everyone that are suscribed to the community. It means that if you reply every thread with the same question, you will be spamming every user suscribed to this forum, and I will not allow it.
    If you want to ask something particular, show your project or share info with the community, please open your own thread instead of replying on others threads.

    I guess that you have not read the [Rules & Guidelines] Read before posting thread. Please do. Spamming is not allowed and if I see someone doing it I will ban its user immediately.

    I hope you understand it.
    Angel LM