Reply To: Issue moving the Thor Robotic Arm


Hello Angel,
The code started working when I modified the following values in this file: defaults_generic.h. ; #define DEFAULT_A_MAX_RATE 1500.0 // mm/min
; #define DEFAULT_B_MAX_RATE 1500.0 // mm/min
; #define DEFAULT_C_MAX_RATE 1500.0 // mm/min
; #define DEFAULT_D_MAX_RATE 1500.0 // mm/min
; #define DEFAULT_E_MAX_RATE 1500.0 // mm/min
; #define DEFAULT_F_MAX_RATE 1500.0 // mm/min
; #define DEFAULT_G_MAX_RATE 1500.0 // mm/min
I also made my own arduino code that was able to move one motor at a time by replicating own electrical values that were sent to each motor control board.
Thank you,Brett